Top 10 blog posts on Page 132 this year
Using only my criteria (enjoyable to write or read), I've come up with a Top 10 list for blog posts on Page 132 this year. However, I couldn't just limit the list to 10, so I've got a long honorable mentions list too.10) Friends of God
9) Clinton, Obama and Edwards all adopt Bush's plan for Iraq
8) Would Jesus podcast?
7) World Net Daily op-ed wrong about Universal health care being Unbiblical socialism
6) Education will have to change drastically for the 21st century
5) The Foolishness of the Cross
4) The Electability of Richardson
3) A Picture of Christian Community
2) 12-9 and the season is over
1) The Case for Bill Richardson
Honorable mentions:
- Some thoughts about JP's e-mail
- Freedom Writers validates racist subconscious feelings
- Which Teddy is missing?
- The beauty of a perfect game
- Good teachers should run bad teachers out of a job faster than the principal
- I'm still paying taxes without a vote in return
- This just keeps getting better and better
- I've got everything
- I wonder....
- It's unofficial - I will be leaving the classroom for good in June