Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Tonight Talk to Governor Richardson

Dear Richardson supporter,

Out here in Iowa it feels like we're in the middle of a whirlwind -- there is so much going on, and so much to do in the 8 days leading up to the Iowa caucuses.

And the Governor wants to tell you about it personally. Can you join the Governor, me and Amanda tonight on a conference call?

The call begins at 9:20 PM ET / 7:20 PM MT.

Please RSVP if you can join.

At this point we're trying to reach out to as many voters as possible, and this is something we're hoping you can help out with. Just this morning hundreds of Richardson Roadrunners left New Mexico to join us in Iowa in this last sprint to the caucuses. I understand you all can't personally make it to Iowa this week, but I hope you'll take a few moments to help the Governor get his message out from wherever you are by joining our voter contact team.

We have built an online tool to allow people to phone Iowa voters and talk to them about the issues and the Governor's record. These are critical contacts in these last few days as undecided caucus goers are making up their mind. Every voter you call for the Governor helps us maintain our momentum and brings more Iowans into the Richardson camp.

And, you can make these calls on your own time, at your own pace, from your own home. It is easy, with the scripts, tips, and the answer responses all built in.

Go to now and get your first few people to call.

Thank you for all your help -- and I hope you can join us tonight on the conference call.

Talk to you soon --

