Wednesday, December 26, 2007


While I believe the Iraq War is the most pressing question facing all candidates for presidency, the next closest is the issue of America's energy. For too long we've been using fossil fuels and now it is coming back at us in the form of dramatic climate change. Additionally, the use of petroleum from the Middle East has subsidized terror, harsh medieval regimes and promoted instability.

For a long time, I felt that I was alone. That people were more than happy driving their 20 mpg cars and SUVs around without a care for their pollution or the effects of their consumption. However, that seems to have changed in 2007. Obviously, the massive rise in the cost of gasoline bears much of the responsibility and for that I'm grateful.

CNN ran an article along the same lines a few months back. They asked have we reached the energy tipping point? The results are mixed. Politicians seem to be talking about energy more, but average citizens don't care much beyond the price of gas at the pumps.

But I refuse to get down about the lack of emphasis on renewable energy and conservation. First, the US leads search for climate solutions. Which is exciting. Even though the current occupant of the White House has tried to stymy all efforts at combatting climate change, recently in U-turn, U.S. agrees to global warming deal that deals directly with fossil fuel consumption.

And the Democratic Congress passed into law a bill raising fuel efficiency standards to Bush. Some have suggested it will save Americans $700-$1000 annually at the pump. It will cut down our need to import 2 million barrels of oil a day. The next president will have to build on these successes. Why not compare the Democratic presidential candidates' energy plans here (PDF) as you get ready to cast your vote this spring.
