Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Foolishness of the Cross

This reflection on the cost of discipleship by Joe Roos (Sojourners Magazine, August 2007) is one of the finest theological pieces I've read in many years.

"This is the foolishness of the cross. All of us know pain and grief and disappointment in our lives. Our human wisdom wants a God who will heal us and make us feel better. The foolishness of the cross is a God who enters into our pain and bears our pain with us. To the part of us that is human and perishing, this is incomprehensible and we want something more. But to the part of us that is being saved, it is the very power of God."

I invite the reading community of Page 132 to reflect in here on the ways you believe this Power of God is at work (or isn't) in your personal realm, your local community, your country, and the world at large.
