Sunday Article Round-Up
Well, I've been laid off again this summer, so I've got plenty of time to round up the articles I've been reading and enjoying this week. Let's start with a little news about...Christianity
Wade Hodges has a post about the Pharisee and American Christian. He comes down in favor of the Pharisee.
Sadly, a Gay ultimatum to split Anglican church.
The Internet Monk has a long discussion on American Idolatry: Entertainment.
In my former stomping grounds, a school principal woke up on the stupid side of the bed. A Teen sues district after "Ave Maria" silenced at a school graduation.
Senator Obama urges party to court evangelicals and for the after-party, check out Obama, Religion and the Blog reaction. Both show that Democrats probably aren't ready to seriously consider courting the evangelical vote.
American Domestic News and Politics
The Washington Post highlights a Farm Program Pays $1.3 Billion to People Who Don't Farm. Of course, this when WTO talks fail to make breakthrough because America is fighting hard to keep paying $1.3 Billion to people that don't deserve it.
Americans have Less Friends. It is certainly worrying that American's have less close friends, but have we replaced quality with quantity?
While the Republican-controlled Congress debated flag burning, the party with real ideas, the Democrats launched A National Competitiveness Strategy.
To be fair, Congress mulls slew of Net-sex rules, but no action is expected.
For a good laugh, watch the Genius behind Bush's speeches. or President Bush sing U2's classic "Sunday, Bloody Sunday".
Making a very strong argument about Why Conservatives Can't Govern Alan Wolfe makes the obvious statement that conservatives fail because those who hate government cannot run it very well. Lakoff helps by suggesting a frame for 2006. It's not Incompetence, but rather conservative incompatibility with governing.
The Washington Post has a nice article on the new Passports for Health Care - A harmful new requirement that Medicaid recipients provide proof of citizenship. It adds further burdens to the poor and elderly.
U.S. automakers struggle through another summer, but I can't imagine why when Oil prices rally to top $72 a barrel and Chrysler to produce Dodge Challenger muscle car.
International News
Blair promises a new African focus to ask Has the G8 kept its promises? The answer appears to be that Only debt relief has been actioned. Aid and Trade aren't going anywhere. Costing lives each day. An interesting idea from France air tax aims to help poor. Use the tax on airfare to meet aid targets.
Even thought it isn't in the news everyday, don't forget we're Backtracking in Darfur.
Finally, these two op-eds speak for me on the current crisis in the Holy Land. Hamas is at fault for current crisis and this is Hama's War.
The single most impressive sporting event started yesterday and goes for most of July. Good news already as American Hincapie Takes Overall Lead at Tour de France.
Here is a funny (for me, anyway) blog post from the World Cup review about shopping in Europe and Sex losing out to drinking in Germany. I think that is good.
A Year Ago on Page 132
I mentioned that iTunes was upgraded to include podcasting. I eviscerated President Bush's "flypaper" strategy for fighting terrorists and MoLak Jedi had his first guest post. gurufrisbee lamented about two teenagers both lied to. I honored Torii Hunter, did a Book Meme and wrote about ridiculousness of the European Common Agriculture Policy.
Because I haven't been annoying enough, let me remind Windows users of 10 Reasons he's glad he a Mac switcher.
Looks like Adam was the real deal. Roots of the Human Family Tree Are Remarkably Shallow - All Alive Today Share 1 Common Ancestor.
This is utterly amazing! Bear breaks down steel door to save his family jewels. TWICE!
Finally, Which Super Hero are you?
I am The Flash

Fast, athletic and flirtatious.
The Flash | 70% | |
Green Lantern | 70% | |
Superman | 65% | |
Iron Man | 65% | |
Wonder Woman | 63% | |
Spider-Man | 60% | |
Supergirl | 58% | |
Robin | 43% | |
Batman | 25% | |
Hulk | 15% | |
Catwoman | 5% |
So what have I missed? What do you find interesting or irritating? What Super Hero are you? Let me know in the comments
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