Happy Blogiversary to Page 132
Page 132 turns 1 year old today. I started Page 132 with this entry the day after John Kerry lost the 2004 election. What a year it has been!This is my 490th post. Since I started the site counter back on April 24, we've had 5,400 unique visitors and about 8,800 page views (although I don't necessarily trust those numbers). Page 132 now has about 45 unique visitors a day and a pretty good comments section.
I've been honored to have gurufrisbee and Mo-Lak Jedi join me during the last year. Their contributions have added to the depth and dimension to the blog.
I know that I've made some friends (and enemies), but I'm very thankful for all the readers who show up day after day to read my thoughts.
I am honored.