Friday Prayer Blogging - Prayer Carnival Edition
Via Tim Challies page, I was directed to another prayer blogger, Phil Johnson. He is putting together a Prayer Carnival and has some BRILLIANT suggestions for a fatigued Friday Prayer Blogger.He suggests
Pray for your enemies, not against them. Matthew 5:44
Keep it simple, remembering who you are praying to. Matthew 6:7
Pray that all may hear the gospel. Matthew 9:38
Pray for the strength to repent of sin. Matthew 26:41
Your prayer can be one you have been praying for some time. Luke 18:1
Don’t worry if you are unsure about how you should pray Romans 8:26
Pray for spiritual wisdom and understanding Colossians 1:9
Pray that you be put into situations where you can minister to others. 1 Thessalonians 3:10
Pray in times of suffering and cheerfulness. James 5:13
Pray for health, both physically and spiritually. 3 John 1:2
Let us pray
Jesus, you are so mighty and holy. I am astonished that you love me and care for me when I so openly reject your wisdom and your overtures of love in favor of the Easy and the Foolish. Please forgive me for those sins and strengthen me to resist sin's siren call. Please make me aware of my pride WHILE I'm sinning and not afterward. When you make me aware of my pride, please give me the wisdom and insight into how to honor you with my actions rather than being frustrated by "the rules."
Lord bless those I disagree with. May I approach them with love and compassion. Help me to do that in my cyber-blogging world as well as on the streets and at work. You've blessed me beyond my imagination, so please use me to be a blessing to others. Finally Jesus, please keep Mrs. Expat Teacher and I safe. Please guard our bodies and minds from disease and disaster. Place a hedge of protection around the innocent and keep the Evil One from doing his dirty work against my city, adopted country and home country.
Like usual, additional prayer and praise should be left in the comments