Sunday, September 25, 2005

Everyone should have my social director

Mrs. Expat Teacher has decide that this (school) year will be the "Year of the Local Tourist" and she has already led our first successful outing. Yesterday, we toured the Palace of Westminster a.k.a. the Houses of Parliament (a post about the pros and cons of parliamentary gov'ts is bouncing around my head, look for one in the next week or two) AND went to see The Winter's Tale at Shakespeare's Globe. It was an excellent day out!

Mrs. Expat Teacher has already booked us tickets to see Rob Lowe in A Few Good Men in two weeks time. Also on the horizon are walking tours, museum exhibitions, new restaurants and a trip to see our "Italian Family" in Bassano Del Grappa Thanksgiving Weekend.

So not only does Mrs. Expat Teacher have great ideas and make great plans, since she is also the family accountant I don't have to worry that she'll break the bank with her outings.

I'm in love.
