My WaterAid walk
One week ago, Mrs. Expat Teacher and I joined 3 other lovely lady for a walk around the Isle of Portland, near Weymouth. I was able to hit my goal of £50 for WaterAid. Thanks again for those that gave. Mrs. Expat Teacher was more persistant and raised £130. I had a wonderful time and even got a sunburn. I've posted about 30 pics from the walk over at my Flickr account. Some are from my phone, my digital camera and Mrs. Expat Teacher's new Sony Ericsson K750i so the quality varies, but you should have a good idea about our day out.Enjoy.
Most interesting fact...The Isle of Portland is one big quarry. The rock from there has been used to build many famous monuments in London, including St. Paul's Cathedral. Also, the island is home to 3 prisons: one above ground, one below ground and one floating.