Denmark is the most pro-development country in the world
According to the Washington Post editorial,The Center for Global Development in Washington has scored 21 rich countries' contributions in each of these categories and published the results in Foreign Policy magazine. This Commitment to Development Index could be the benchmark against which development promises are measured.
The latest index confirms that policies toward the poor world are improving slowly. The end of global quotas on textiles and clothing imports, together with extra aid, has pushed the average score in the index up from last year. The index ranks Denmark as the most pro-development nation, reflecting its steady contribution to U.N. peacekeeping, trade openness and environmental controls as well as a large aid budget relative to the size of its economy. The United States, which scores well on trade, investment and security but abysmally on aid, comes in 12th overall. Japan is at the bottom.
I don't quote this to beat up on America. Clearly we've got a ways to go, but instead let's look at the key phrase..."average score in the index up from last year". Political and business pressure means things are getting better, if slowly, for the poor around the world. On this Paul Wolfowitz and I agree. Politics makes strange bedfellows.