Sunday, June 03, 2007

Full disclosure - I now work for Richardson

This will surprise exactly no one, but I thought I should put this out there. I'm going from volunteering for Governor Richardson's presidential campaign to working as a DC-based intern for his campaign this summer.

I won't overrun Page 132 with Richardson stuff, but I'm going to keep highlighting Governor Richardson's qualifications for the presidency until I'm told to stop.

In case you've missed it, here is another reason - An Energy Revolution!
  • Cut Oil Demand: 50% by 2020
  • Create New Efficiencies And Energy Sources in the Electrical Sector: 50% by 2040
  • Dramatically Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions: 90% by 2050
  • Lead By Example and Restore America as the World's Leader
  • Get It All Done Without Breaking the Bank
  • Invite the Oil Companies to Become Energy Companies

The Bottom Line is that the way out of our cycle of dependency is to create competition, to support energy productivity, new technologies and alternative fuels. And everyone -- every American -- must make an effort to make us energy independent and combat global warming. Our national security and our planet depend on it. It's about creating a new energy economy here in the United States, and doing it quickly, with broad, bold strokes.
