From the "Getting Better" Department
From the Bushites' "Hang in There, Just Trust Us, Things in Iraq are Getting Better" Department: The USA military confirmed death toll in Iraq for May 2007 was 127; deadliest month since late in 2004. When GWBush stood on that aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf on May 1, 2003, in front of a banner reading "Mission Accomplished" the USA troop death toll in Iraq was... 139. As of today (06/02/07) it is now 3,480.And, over at: - you can see that the MINIMUM estimate of Iraqi civilians murdered by the USA troop presence is now 64,776. (The population of Bellingham, Washington; Mount Vernon, New York; or College Station, Texas.)
In the words of Gordon Lubold, staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor, "May's spike in the American death toll in Iraq is the result of the administration's new approach in Iraq – as much as it is the enemy's own "surge" of attacks against US forces. In strategic terms, it's called taking it to the enemy. But analysts warn that if the number of US casualties continues at their current high level through the summer, that could raise questions about whether the strategy is actually working.
May has already been difficult – the third-deadliest month since the Iraq war began. In a candid briefing Thursday, Army Lt. Gen. Ray Odierno, commander of Multinational Corps-Iraq, warned that the situation would be difficult in the months ahead. But the rising number of Americans killed comes as a result not only of insurgent activity but also from US operations in places that forces have not been before."
And on and on and on goes the killing...