Sunday, June 18, 2006

Scratching an Old Itch

I just received this email from a most intriguing group...

I am writing to update you on The Clergy Letter Project, an endeavor designed to demonstrate that religion and modern science can comfortably coexist. As you know, The Clergy Letter itself has amassed more than 10,000 signatures of Christian clergy members and, in so doing, has gained a fair bit of national and international attention. I think it is fair to say that the very presence of The Letter has helped elevate the nature of the debate and has demonstrated to millions that religion and science are compatible.

As you also know, the first annual Evolution Sunday was celebrated on 12 February 2006. On (or near) that day, almost 500 congregations sponsored some event designed to improve the understanding between religion and science. Reports on various events from that day were broadly and positively published by media outlets around the world and many Clergy Letter Project members reported that attendance was up on Evolution Sunday.

Now I am pleased to announce the date of the SECOND ANNUAL EVOLUTION SUNDAY -- 11 FEBRUARY 2007. I hope that many of you will opt to hold some event on (or near) that day to help further the dialogue that we have begun. What you opt to do is completely up to each local congregation. Some clergy delivered sermons addressing the topic (more than 50 of those sermons on our resources page -, some had adult education courses or seminars, some had lunch discussions, etc. I hope you consider participating in some way in this international event. If you do plan to participate, please drop me a note so I can add your congregation to our list of participants. Additionally, although we reached our goal of acquiring 10,000 signatures on The Clergy Letter, we are still delighted to sign up additional members of the clergy. If you know of someone who might like to join, please pass our web address along (

Finally, at the end of this week, I will be moving from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh to Butler University in Indianapolis. My new e-mail address will be Because of this move, over the next several weeks I will likely be slower in responding to e-mails than is usually the case. I appreciate your patience. Thanks so very much for your past support and for anything you can do to make the SECOND ANNUAL EVOLUTION SUNDAY -- 11 FEBRUARY 2007 a huge success. Michael
