Sunday Article Round-Up
I spent all day out with Mrs. Expat Teacher and I'm knackered. Here are the highlights of the week.Kofi Annan envies the World Cup.
The DLC argues for a focus on a post-material America.
The Da Vinci code is not in the top 5 movies after week four, as I predicted. "'Over the Hedge' fell from third place to fifth. The animal cartoon, which brought in $10.3 million over the weekend and $130.3 million since its debut, edged out "The Da Vinci Code." That thriller had the second-biggest worldwide box office debut and has brought in $642 million globally." However, that much money means it is probably a commercial success. So am I right or am I wrong?
Most concerning, G8 'failing to meet aid pledges'.
The London Times has a wonderful editorial reminding its readers that terrorism, not America, is a real and present threat to European freedoms. Fabulous editorial!
The Christian Science Monitor has an article about the 25% by 2025 goal. The goal is to get 25% of all energy used in America coming from renewables. Apparently, it is gaining steam. Yeah.
The Washington Post has a very worrying editorial about the current situation in Somalia. Some Taliban-style warriors have taken Mogadishu and there are serious worries that it could become the next hotbed of activity for Al-Qaeda.
Liberal Hawk Peter Beinart has been defending his book, The Good Fight: Why Liberals---and Only Liberals---Can Win the War on Terror and Make America Great Again, over at TPMCafe's Book Page. If you are interested in why liberals must be willing to fight for their causes, it is a good place to start. Also Kevin Drum interview Peter and asked some seriously probing questions here.
Technorati Tags: America, Current Events, News, Politics, Terrorism