Friday, June 16, 2006

Expat Teacher is off to Kaiserslautern for the USA-Italy game

to say that I'm excited about that is an understatement. Although the US team has their backs against the wall, I still hold out hope of a win against Italy tomorrow. But I'm completely blinded by my patriotic feelings. ;-)

Although, I know that The Onion is satirical newspaper, if the USA loses in Kaiserslautern tomorrow, I will be Devastated By U.S. World Cup Team's First-Round Loss and Nation Grinds To Halt. But that isn't going to happen!

I don't have tickets for the game, but Mrs. Expat Teacher, another couple and I are going to the FanPlatz to enjoy some beverages in the Biergarten. We'll be gone all weekend, so there won't be any "Fun with CameraPhones" or "Sunday Article Round-Up" posts. Although, do come back on Monday for pictures of our weekend.

Don't forget to look for me at the game. I'll be the guy with then Landon Donovan jersey, face paint and big USA flag.

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