Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A Prayer Request

I sat with my beloved wife, Susan, in the Thoracic Surgeon's office this morning as she learned that she has "moderately-advanced" lung cancer. What a shock! It looks like it may have already spread to some lymph nodes as well. Lord have mercy. It's been a pretty horrific day for her and our whole family. She goes to the Oncologist tomorrow morning to begin her consult on pre-surgical chemotherapy and to begin to learn more about major surgery to remove a very large mass from her right lung, probably within the next month or so. Since Susan has never smoked even one cigarette, ever, it was a startling lesson for us to learn that there are five different types of lung cancer and not all of them are related to smoking. Your prayers are deeply appreciated. - The Old Man (and she's also, of course, the mother of gurufrisbee.)
