Sunday, December 03, 2006

Sunday Article Round-Up

Some articles you should have seen this week and some you shouldn't have.

International News
IMF scrutinises Zimbabwe economy because they can't pay the bills.

Saudi Arabia rounded up lots of terrorists.

Lebanon's government might crumble. That's not a good step toward democracy in the Middle East.

Iraqi president seeks Iran's help

The Pope's outreach eases Muslim wariness.

The Israeli Prime Minister offers a hand of peace to Palestinians.

U.S. bans sale of iPods to North Korea along with lots of other luxury goods.

Domestic News
TSA's revealing X-ray screening raises privacy concerns because they take a virtual naked picture.

Don't get too caught up calling Bush the worst president ever. He is probably the Only Fifth Worst.

Chris Cillizza takes A first look at '08 House races, makes the case for Tom Vilsack, and notices that Romney has hired a bunch of inside the beltway folks.

Democrats expect easy passage of bills such as easier travel to Cuba, closing offshore tax loopholes, a higher minimum wage and tighter rail and road security.

The DLC has some plans for fighting a terrorist insurgency and Flexible Work Policies.

Wal-Mart opens it own's bank in Mexico

Scott Elliott asks, "Why do teachers really leave the profession?" and How to Make a Teacher.

Winds of change rattle European universities because of fiscal and research pressure from both America and emerging countries.

John Garrity writes in favor of Buck O'Neil as the Sportsman of the Year.

George Mitchell says Steroid probe is delayed by lack of power. So give him the power!

The USS Mariner discusses McGwire and the Hall of Fame.

Reverend Billy has his 10 Christmas Commandments. Amen brother!

I'm a Christian too is worrying about The Degradation of Society’s Morals as they relate to Britney Spear's crotch and the Life Behind video game.

Delhi boy eaten by herd of pigs and Beach volleyball's bikinis touch off a culture clash in Qatar.

Previously on Page 132

Check out the first week of December from 2004 and 2005.

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