Page 132 Yearly Round-Up
Instead of the standard Sunday Article Round-Up, I thought it would be interesting and insightful to make a top 25 list of blog posts on Page 132 over the last year. Although our posts range from sports to bumper stickers, I've decided to stick with the main topics: religion and politics. The criteria are posts that made me think, brought forth good discussion, or I just liked. I may not even agree with the posts, but they contributed something to the body politic of Page 132.Here are the top 25 posts for 2006 in chronological order:
- Hefe's first contribution to Page 132 on The Scientific Foundation of ID
- My thoughts on race in The power of the hyphen
- During The Old Man's first week on Page 132, he wanted to know why We Dare Not Speak Its Name
- I wrote about Christianity's future in Europe
- The Old Man and gurufrisbee debated Mandatory Foreign Travel for USA Graduation
- Mrs. Expat Teacher's Fado - the Portuguese operatic lament
- Why Rick Steves is wrong
- MoLak-Jedi's Immigrants: illegal or otherwise
- I wrote about My experience as an illegal immigrant
- gurufrisbee rejoiced over The arrival of Shiloh
- MoLak-Jedi's experience with a Code Yellow at school
- gurufrisbee wanted to know What if Jesus worked for the White House
- I still believe that Geography doesn't matter
- I respond with venom to Mark Driscoll in Get Back in the Kitchen and what are you doing with shoes on?
- gurufrisbee is here to piss off the NRA
- My recollection of the World Cup in Kaiserslautern
- Incredible news that Susan's surgery is successful and her cancer is defeated
- I wondered about Sacred Events in Secular Places
- gurufrisbee's reflections on the 5-year anniversary of 9/11 attacks
- My Confessions of a liberal...I might be a hypocrite
- My conviction that Porn deadens sex not improves it
- The Old Man wants America to Stop Digging
- My treatise on Diplomatic Mercantilism
- What I want from the Democratic majority and Republican minority
Any additional nominees? Which are your top faves?