Count your blessings with us
After yesterday's amazing story from The Old Man, here is what I'm thankful for (in no particular order)...- The incredibly warm reception all my friends give me upon my annual return to the Pacific Northwest. I feel like a king.
- A fun and dynamic church
- The continued love and overall good health of my family and friends
- God's uncountable blessings
- Mrs. Expat Teacher
- A warm place to stay each night and a job to go to each day.
- Chocolate
- Watching sports at a decent hour
- Page 132 and all the community that goes along with it
- A Democratic victory last election day
- Laughter
- An umbrella during a downpour
- Love
- A warm pain au chocolate and a mocha on a cold autumn day
I hear from lots of folks that read Page 132 that they don't have anything intelligent to add in the comments, so they don't say anything. Today is different. There are no wrong answers. Therefor, I challenge all Page 132 readers today to let us know what you are thankful for. Simply click on the "scribbled in the margins" link at the bottom of this post and list a few things you are thankful for. You don't have to put an e-mail address or webpage URL. Simply a name. Use your own or make one up. It doesn't matter, we just want to hear what all our visitors are thankful for.
Come on, let's make this the most commented post in Page 132 history!