Friday Prayer Blogging - Acknowledge Jesus edition
This prayer blogging might just be for me, but hopefully it helps everyone. I was reading my Bible this morning on the train and came across Matthew 10:32-33. Jesus says "Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven."At my workplace, Jesus isn't exactly exalted. Generally, He and his followers are denigrated. I have two avowed atheists that continually make fun of a Christian believer in the school. They are mean about it and it is always behind his back. They respect him professionally, but they think he is a little nuts.
In fact, in the international school system, being a strong believer is discouraged. For many reasons (most of them economic), overt displays of faith are opposed. We have such a diversity of opinion that no one can ever come to a hard conclusion.
All of this is to say that I'm a big pansy at work about my faith and Jesus' words hit me deep in my soul today. I don't think I need to preach in the classroom or the staffroom, but making it known that I try to follow Jesus is in order. 3 months into school and I'm not sure anyone knows that. For the first time all year, I mentioned that I was going to church this weekend to some of my colleagues in the lunch room.
My prayer this week is for boldness and wisdom for sharing my faith. If you can see yourself in my story, make this prayer your own. If you can't, please pray for me. I sure need it.
Let us pray
Like always, additional prayers and praises should be added in the comments