Monday's Meditation
"Curb all undue desire for knowledge, for in it you will find many distractions
and much delusion. Those who are learned strive to give the appearance of being
wise and desire to be recognized as such; but there is much knowledge that is of
little or no benefit to the soul. "Whoever sets his mind on anything other than
what serves his salvation is a senseless fool."
"How is knowing such and such going t assist me in my pursuit of holiness?" This question is the end result of my reading of and reflection on the above passage. In my curiosity and my desire for knowledge, how am I being transformed? I am so easily tempted by my blind desire for knowing. And yet, so much of what I want to know, in the end, draws me away from Christ, whom I desire to know in great earnest through the confession of my mouth, and yet curse and deny through my action and pursuit.
I am much like Lucy perusing the Magician's book on the Island of the Voices (The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Ch. 10). In the book, Lucy saw and was tempted by all sorts of things before giving into the temptation to find out what her friends really thought of her. Lucy's heart is broken when a friend tells another girl that Lucy is, "Not a bad little kid in her way. But, I was getting pretty tired of her before the end of the term." After Aslan tells Lucy that this friend actually holds Lucy dear to her heart, Lucy says, "I don't think I'd ever be able to forget what I heard her say," To which Aslan replies, "No, you won't."
Through Lucy's curiosity, her thirst for knowledge, a friendship is destroyed. How often do we do the same? How often do we seek information that will do us no good to know?
Lord Jesus, guide us and protect us. May we seek you above all else. May our ears be opened to and trained for your soft commanding voice. May we humbly trust and obey your command, for we know that it is for our great good that you lead us. Amen.
Lord Jesus, guide us and protect us. May we seek you above all else. May our ears be opened to and trained for your soft commanding voice. May we humbly trust and obey your command, for we know that it is for our great good that you lead us. Amen.