Friday, August 11, 2006

Is It Contagious?

Has GW Bush started turning people like me into people as cynical as we believe him to be?

Seems to me that it was about time for yet another of these recurring “jolts” to the National Level of Upset which has been so diligently engineered since 9/11/01.

Did Administration Spokesman Tony Snow "slip up" Thursday morning when he mentioned to reporters that GW Bush had approved the shift to “Red Alert” …YESTERDAY? Is anyone out there wondering why this was done a day BEFORE the British government announced this latest “plot?”

When Homeland “Security” Secretary Michael Chertoff stated to reporters that this plan “in some respects is suggestive of an al-Qaida plot,” did any of the reporters or anyone in the media-consuming public push back with “why,” or regard this as a sweeping, implied, potentially-baseless insinuation - rather than a publicly-documented, evidence-based charge?

Is anyone scratching their heads over the recurring, simultaneous, presidential declarations that “the US is much safer now than ever since 9/11” -and- “this nation is at war with Muslim extremists?”

Does anyone wonder how we’ve reached a moment in history in which Osama bin Laden is free, active, and unchased - while Americans are not allowed to take a tube of toothpaste in their purses on flights to/from “Muslim hotbeds” like Flagstaff, Ames, and Memphis?

And when all these air travelers are interviewed by TV people and they say things like “I don’t mind the inconveniences because it’s better to be safe,” does anyone else envision the astonishingly-cynical inner circle of Bush political operatives just strolling around the Situation Room exchanging countless “high fives?”

Has GW Bush started turning people like me into people as cynical as we believe him to be?
