Fun with Cameraphone - Last UK edition
I have been back in London for about 72 hours now and it has been crazy. I had 2 days of final stuff related to the move and then today Mrs. Expat Teacher and I went to a VERY English wedding today in an 11th century church with the reception at a 15th century manor house. It was fabulous!Incredibly memorable and not sad because we'll be seeing the bride in DC in a few months. :-)
Below are some photos I've taken lately around London and when we were in Edinburgh (pron EDin-burrah) earlier this week. I did cheat and use our digital camera as well as Mrs. Expat Teacher's Sony Ericsson K750i (which I just realized she'll be able to use as her phone in the States so we don't have to switch to one of the crappy phones that Europe was using 2 years ago that are now the 'new thing' in the US).

Some of the guitars on display at the original Hard Rock Cafe on Piccadilly.

Just stumbled upon this massive procession of cars trying to drum up interest in the annual car show in London. Don't know what car this is, but it sure is pretty.

Near Notting Hill Gate. Maybe Satan lives at 666 Pentagram Yard. Just a thought.

A nice play on words in Edinburgh. The thistle is the national flower of Scotland.

Above a low ceiling in a pub in Edinburgh. I thought it was funny, but I'm not sure I totally get the joke.

The Royal Mile in Edinburgh was the original Manhattan of Europe. 13-15 story houses all packed right next to each other. The only thing that separates them are "closes". Each named for either their owner or who worked along that close. This is the 'fleshmarket close' and I was bitterly disappointed to find out that the 'fleshers' were butchers and not prostitutes.

Coffee connoisseurs will understand.

In a cafe window off Portobello Road. It translates to "Without coffee, there is no tomorrow." Again, Coffee connoisseurs will understand.
Well off to meet my parents in Dublin in about 10 hours. I'll be gone frolicking through the rolling green fields of Ireland for a week. Back for 48 hours to put all our worldly possessions in the back of a truck bound for DC and to clean our flat. I'll try to check in once more before I'm on American soil, but I can't promise anything.
Technorati Tags: Camera Phone, Cameraphone, England, London, Rick Steves, Travel, United Kingdom