Forza Italia!

I hate penalty kicks! It just isn't really soccer anymore. The game wasn't all that exciting, with most of the scoring happening within the first 20 minutes. The main question is why did Zidane, the epitome of class, headbutt Materazzi? I'm not sure we'll ever find out the answer, but the commentators here in the UK are convinced that it all started with a nipple tweak.
I meant to blog these photos a while back, but I forgot, so here are some photos from Brompton Road, outside HTB (we went to our last service at HTB as members this morning and we cried when it was over. You know a church is good when that happens!) of the cafés getting into the World Cup spirit.

The very English sounding Cafe Concerto flying the English flag of St. George.

Cafe Montepulciano supporting Italy, but with some other national flags flying.

Cafe Area supporting the former and now reigning world champions
My fantasy team came in second out of seven in our league. I was very pleased with the results except of one thing. I came in behind gurufrisbee. I'll be putting up a Hillary '08 sticker in my classroom because I lost our bet. I never said I wouldn't surround it with Richardson '08 stickers, though. ;-)
Now that the World Cup is over..what to watch? Oh yeah, the single greatest individual sporting event in the world, Le Tour.