The UN is headed for a crisis and it isn't America's fault
Did you know that the UN is going to run out of money in June? No, it isn't because of poor management or the USA's unwillingness to pay its dues, but rather because some countries refuse to reform the 60 year old institution. They believe that the reforms will take power and influence from them. So on one side are the poorer countries that feel they will be left out by the reforms and on the other side are the richer countries that want to make sure they get the most bang for their larger due-paying buck. More information on the Budget Crisis and UN Reform for those wonks interested in the fine details. I think the US is on the right side of the issue on this. In the wake of the poor performance in Oil-For-Food scandal and peacekeeping scandals in Congo and Rwanda, the UN needs to modernize.If you don't think this budget matters, don't forget what the UN is doing around the world and how hamstrung these vital services would be if they ran out of money.
- Promoting Peace and Burdensharing
- Building Democracy in Afghanistan
- Responding to Natural Disasters
- Fighting Poverty
- Promoting Justice
- Protecting Human Rights
- Establishing International Standards
- Promoting Free Elections in Iraq
- Fighting for Women’s Rights
Why not click on the banner below and add your name to the petition to ALL governments asking them "forge the common ground necessary to allow the United Nations to continue its life-saving work"?

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