Saturday, January 28, 2006

Sunday Article round-up

Some articles worth your time on a Sunday afternoon and evening.

The Pope Urges World to Unite Against Poverty.

Responding to criticism, Chancellor Brown defends progress on poverty reduction saying that £170 million in debt has been written off, doubling of aid to Africa, and an education plan to get 110 million children into schools as evidence that the G8 meeting and MakePovertyHistory had an impact.

Today's violence in Iraq brought five coordinated car bombings that targeted the Vatican mission and at least two churches in Baghdad and two churches in the northern city of Kirkuk within about 20 minutes.

Regarding events in the Middle East, the Christian Science Monitor wants to know Is democracy empowering Islamists?

Jonathon Steele says The Palestinians' democratic choice must be respected , but the European Union would not fund the Palestinian Authority under Hamas if it did not renounce violence against Israel, Germany's chancellor has said.

Christianity Today, evangelical America's monthly glossy, has 5 Reasons Torture is always Wrong.

The Washington Post reminds us of The Realities of Exporting Democracy.

In what will cause a busy week for my friend JA, Rice leaves on diplomatic whirlwind trip to London to attend a series of critical meetings on Afghanistan, Iran and the Hamas victory in Palestinian elections.

Getting ready for Tuesday's State of the Union, the Seattle Times offers a preview. Bush is going to pitch health saving accounts, which do little to help cover the currently uninsured and almost certainly guarantee driving up costs due to increased demand. How incompetent is this man? On a similar note, Dignan calls President Bush a liar. Leonard Pitts warns us to Fear the 9/11 hammer rather than having honest debate about national security during the 2006 election cycle.

If you are into blogging, and especially political blogging, the National Journal has a nice long article about The Rise Of Blogs and on the state of the blogosphere and how it has become a powerful force in grassroots politics.

Finally, strangely enough, there is a blog dedicated to all things IKea.
