Sunday, December 04, 2005

Sunday Article round-up

A very busy week around Expat Teacher's house this week. Even with 3 posts on Thursday, I still missed a lot of blogworthy articles. Here are some...

Global Trade

In a meeting with G7 leaders, the U.K. pushes plan to stop all subsidies to EU farms. At the same meeting, Britain, U.S. Put Focus on Trade at G7. Unfortunately, this effort is the noble crusade that ended up as a lost cause because France is unilaterally rejecting any reduction in trade subsidies and supports. In related news, France vows to help cut African poverty, which is difficult because Africa won't ever get out of poverty if they can't export their goods to EU customers. Some EU leaders get it, but others don't, which is why the EU splits over offer of tariff reductions.

Women and Men inside the Church

In the only MUST READ story in the article round-up, Sarah Sumner writes about Bridging the Ephesians 5 Divide. Pretty earth-shaking stuff about how husbands and wives should interact. Did you know that "spirtual leader" never appears in the Bible? Kristen offers this blog entry, Female Headship Awaits Us In the Flaming Fires of Hell, or Women Probably Don't Have Souls, Part II, in response to a press release by the Southern Baptists. In a different press release, the Southern Baptists ban tongues. Are the Southern Baptists creating God in our image?

Death Penalty

Kathy has an excellent blog entry from the gut about the 1000th death penalty in America and the Australian hanged for smuggling drugs into Singapore. At the same time, declares White House: Death Penalty Deters Crime. There is some concern that An innocent man among 1,000 executed? Finally, Illinois death penalty case back in court that may overturn Ilinois' death penalty moratorium.

War on Christmas!?!?

One blessing of living in London is that I don't have to listen to Bill O'Reilly bloviate about the war on Christmas. But if I did I might be partial to conversations like the one about HARK! THE HERALD ANGELS SPEND. I Am a Christian too wonders, "War Against Christmas, Or Just Good Manners?" Wade Hodges has an excellent post about the Christmas Prophet at his local mall. Finally, if you convinced that there is a war on Christmas, you need to read this - 'Tis the Season to find out the true history of the December 25th holiday. Happy Saturnalia!

Republican incompetence

Another week and further evidence of Republican incompetence, the Military Says It Paid Iraq Papers for News and the Department of Justice Staff Saw Texas Districting As Illegal - Map Pushed by DeLay.

Republican corruption

Not only incompetent, but also corrupt. In the pay for space in Iraqi papers, the Propaganda Company Founded by Major Republican Donor. Also, Republican Senator Conrad Burns did about-face after cash from lobbyist.


Following major concerns about voting problems, US welcomes move on elections by court in Azerbaijan.
Tens of thousands of Marchers demand Hong Kong democracy.
A craigslist contributor with tongue firmly in cheek, post has an oldy-but-goody list of 10 reasons why gay marriage should be illegal.
Because Focus on the Family is calling shots with this administration, Porn domain faces further delays, even though it is probably the best long term way to help parents protect their kids from internet porn.
Is Dick Cheney vice-president of China too? The UN has found out that Torture in China Still Widespread.
In a cool use of technology, Acts, audience connect via text messaging.
It ain't all bad news out there. We are Safer than ever before.
At the best blog you still aren't reading, Purgatorio, they have a photo essay entitled "You Might Be Emerging If...". MoLak-Jedi, do you qualify?

So what do you think? Which article is the most eye-opening? Any articles I missed that should be highlighted?
