Small Groups
About a year and a half ago I took on the role of small group coordinator at our church here in Moses Lake. I've spent the last year or so working on creating an ifrastructure from which the small group ministry can work, as well as some training materials.Last spring I "preached" about the role of small groups at our church and the direction they would be heading in. Thre response was completely underwhelming, but that is okay - we're also in the process of trying to get AWANA off the ground, so we're all pretty bussy.
Anyway, this Saturday I'm launching the ministry by conducting the very first MLCC Initial Small Group Leader Training session. It should be good. There are a ton of loose ends that need to be tied up, but hey, what else is new? I'm greatly excited. This is sort of the culminating event in what could be looked at as a two year "Masters in Small Groups" program.