Friday, October 07, 2005

Friday Prayer Blogging - Wives edition

In a tough week for me, one beacon of light stood out - my wife, Mrs. Expat Teacher.

She is incredible. She is funny, caring, loving, barrel of fun, and amazingly complex. She never ceases to surprise me. She is as close to the Proverbs 31 wife as I could possibly hope for.

I know the gurufrisbee and MoLak-Jedi feel the same way about their wives. This week we are going to pray for wives. If you aren't the biggest fan of yours, would you read the following and pray with us? You never know when God will speak to you about something...

Let us pray for our wive's health and well being. May she be a safe port in a stormy world. May she know the joy of following Jesus. May "her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her" May her work be joyous and rewarded. May her husband be sensitive to her needs. May he become the man she needs. May she her moral character be beyond reproach. May she have a strong group of friends for support and encouragement. May those that want to cause her harm be bound and thwarted. May she feel love from God, family and friends all the days of her life

Let us pray.
