Monday's Meditation
The discipline of meditation strips away our world view and aligns our minds, heart, body, and soul with God's world view. Meditation is relegated to not only the Scriptures or other holy writings, but is a practice that extends also to current events. For this week's meditation, I'd encourage you to spend some time silencing and immersing yourself in a current event such as the devastation left by Hurricane Katrina, the "War on Terror," September 11th, world poverty, or genocide in draper.Before you start, spend time in prayer, asking the Lord to allow you to see the world as He sees the world. Then maybe spend time reading an article about a current event and through your imagination, immerse yourself in that event. Allow yourself to be open to the emotions and images that the Spirit brings to you. When you are finished meditating, spend some time praying for the people in the midst of these events. Pray also for your role in these events. Maybe you'll be moved to send your prayers, money, goods, or even yourself to care for those in need.