Sunday, May 15, 2005

5,000,000 to Protest Against World Poverty

The Observer (Guardian on Sunday) has this refreshing news.
Up to 20 million Britons are expected to protest against world poverty as part of the biggest mobilisation against global inequality ever seen.

In addition, 250,000 campaigners are planning to attend a rally in Edinburgh to coincide with July's G8 summit at Gleneagles where key talks among world leaders could witness Tony Blair securing a historic deal to help Africa's poor.

Oxfam yesterday ordered five million more white Make Poverty History wristbands. The charity has already sold three million.

The only sad note is that "Although the show of public support will bolster Blair and Chancellor Gordon Brown's efforts to secure a breakthrough on debt, aid and trade, concern is rising in Whitehall that the key measures are failing to win US support."

So my American readers, time to contact your Congressmen and let them know that you want to MakePovertyHistory!!!! Without your effort, this generation could miss the opportunity to positively change the world. What is your excuse?
