10 seconds of your time for €.10
Mrs. Expat Teacher, who is silently moving to the left of yours truly on some issues, is very motivated by WaterAid and the great work they do to answer the question, "Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?"She received an e-mail today from them detailing how we could invest 10 seconds of our time to earn €.10, which is like about $1,285 with the weak dollar now ;-). In a goodwill gesture by the plastics industry of Europe, if you click on Aquaplastics.org they will donate to help WaterAid build water projects in Ethiopia. It goes for a limited time and the goal is to raise €150,000 by the end of June. If you weren't motivated to give $2/month from my previous post, WaterAid has made it even easier to help out. Click now and click daily.
I've added a nice little graphic in the right column to remind you daily. If each of my visitors click through on a daily basis, we should add over €250 to the total alone. That is enough to supply 10 people with clean water for the rest of their lives. It sure would be nice on Judgement Day to have them stand up for me and say, "I don't know about anyone else Lord, but they gave me a drink."