Thursday, February 14, 2008

Liar, Liar

Gary Tuchamn, CNN360 Correspondent, writes, "Roger Clemens is spinning himself a web of complications as he testifies before Congress about his alleged steroid use. He has said his former trainer is a liar when he says he injected Clemens more than 20 times with steroids and human growth hormones.But here’s what’s also come out today. Clemens acknowledges Brian McNamee’s testimony that he injected Clemen’s wife Debbie with HGH in 2003. But Clemens says his wife never told him, and that he was mad at McNamee when he found out. But he did not fire McNamee, and also did not call a doctor when his wife complained of circulation problems. Clemens said they decided a doctor call wasn’t necessary, but those suspicious of Clemens say the pitcher couldn’t blow his cover since he too used such substances. But perhaps most problematic for Clemens is one of his best friends Andy Pettitte. The well liked Yankee pitcher has acknowledged that he was injected by McNamee with HGH and says Clemens discussed his own HGH use in 1999 or 2000. Clemens said during the hearing that Pettite “misheard” and “misremembered” the conversation. The court of public opinion may or may not believe McNamee, but trying to cast Pettitte has someone who misunderstood such a conversation will be much harder for those loyal to Clemens."

I watched a large portion of today's Congressional Hearing. My gut feeling is that McNamee has done a lot of lying over the past decade but now has decided his only way out of this mess is to steadily and surely tell more and more of the truth. Roger Clemens has decided that total stonewalling and admitting to absolutely nothing is the only option that fits his self-image as a role model and Hall of Famer. I don't think McNamee is even yet telling the "whole truth and nothing but the truth." I don't think Clemens' credibility will ever come anywhere even close to that of Andy Pettitte and if today's hearing launches any legal proceedings, Roger is in very big trouble.
