Monday's Meditation
"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."- "The Jesus Prayer", or "Prayer of the Heart"
I love this prayer. It puts Jesus in his place: Lord; Christ; Son of God. It puts me in my place: sinner. And it ties Jesus and me together by the bound of mercy.
It's been a while since I've had a post like this, but I'd like to encourage you to spend some time memorizing this prayer and then meditate upon it. Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Perhaps practice the palms up, palms down technique I introduced a long time ago. Let the words roll slowly through your mouth. Say this prayer like you would drink a good glass of wine. Focus on each word and as you do, bring to mind different ways Jesus is Lord, Christ, Son of God both in your life and throughout the Universe. Search your heart for those ways you are a sinner. Meditate on the mercy found on the cross; on the unbreakable bond that connects your heart to his. I'd love to hear what God shows you during this time.
I love this prayer. It puts Jesus in his place: Lord; Christ; Son of God. It puts me in my place: sinner. And it ties Jesus and me together by the bound of mercy.
It's been a while since I've had a post like this, but I'd like to encourage you to spend some time memorizing this prayer and then meditate upon it. Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Perhaps practice the palms up, palms down technique I introduced a long time ago. Let the words roll slowly through your mouth. Say this prayer like you would drink a good glass of wine. Focus on each word and as you do, bring to mind different ways Jesus is Lord, Christ, Son of God both in your life and throughout the Universe. Search your heart for those ways you are a sinner. Meditate on the mercy found on the cross; on the unbreakable bond that connects your heart to his. I'd love to hear what God shows you during this time.