Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Richardson talks with Sudan's president to try and persuade him to accept more UN troops in Darfur

What was your presidential candidate doing today? Maybe taking the day off to watch the Ohio-Florida BCS Championship (what a farce that term is!) Game.

Well mine was working. In Sudan. With a foreign leader that doesn't like America. And his record is pretty good at getting what he wants.

According to the BBC:
Senior US politician Bill Richardson has held talks with Sudan's president to try and persuade him to accept more UN troops in war-torn Darfur.

Mr Richardson, a former US ambassador to the UN, is seen as enjoying better relations with President Omar el-Bashir than most US politicians.

He said some progress had been made and they would meet again on Wednesday.

Mr Bashir has always resisted plans for the UN to take over peacekeeping efforts in Darfur.

In case you think he's a one-pony show, how about some of the latest news on his website:

Oh, and just in case you weren't sure if a governor from New Mexico could win it all, Sasha Abramsky's "The Blue-ing of the West" in The Nation makes a convincing argument that the west is the most fertile region for anchoring a well-rooted Democratic majority.

So why not head on over to America for Richardson to see if you can help out on his yet-to-be-announced 2008 presidential campaign?

Hat Tip to lasvegastan for pointing the BBC article out to me.

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