Monday, November 13, 2006

Monday's Meditation

"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do."
- Saint Paul, Romans 7:15

How can it be that we so easily and so often give into that which we hate doing? Why is it that I give into my desire to lust? Why do I give anger a foothold? Surely it must be sin living in me that draws me to iniquity, befuddles my sensibilities, and causes me to drink from the same old filth time and time again.

We are told "Never tire of doing what is right, " (2 these. 3:13). In light of our propensity to commit the evil we hate, how then are we to obey this command to doing what is right, let alone never tiring of doing the right we are called to? Regardless of our spiritual fervor, we - or at least, I - always become tired; tiredness appears to be a part of our current condition.

Is Sabbath the answer to our inability to do right without tiring? When we tire of what is right, are we to go to God, confess our tiredness, climb into his arms, and rest in his grace? Surely this must be the case! For, if we are to be holy as he is holy, we must rely on his grace to make us so! And by grace I do not mean the same sort of thing as forgiveness, but rather that sort of grace which sustains and carries us through our weakness - the sort of grace that is sufficient for us in light of the thorns of our flesh. When we tire of doing right, the right thing for us to do is to rest in the Sabbath, for in the Sabbath we find the sort of grace that refreshes us and strengthens us to go back out and be the sent people of God!

Lord God, I pray that we might never tire of doing what is good in your sight. Open the eyes of our hearts, O God, so that we might be observant and obedient children in doing the work you have set out for us to do. Help us to be aware of temptation so that we might rest in your grace. Amen
