Sunday Article Round-Up
I know this post is what you've all been waiting for on Selection Sunday. Let us beginWorld News
Venezuela gets a new flag.
Iraq is still a mess as Triple Baghdad bombing kills 36 and US marines killed in Afghan bomb.
The Congo gets World Bank debt relief, but Oxfam believes Africa pledges 'not materialised'. The Guardian thinks the key to overcoming poverty is to Let the poor call the tune . In Washington G7 to discuss global imbalances-source. The result is predictable. Trade powers fail to remove obstacles to WTO deal
The best politician of the 21st century, Tony Blair Highlights Poverty; Christian Aid Calls for Partnerships.
Apparently, Water policy 'fails world's poor' since almost 20% of the world's population lacks access to clean water.
In what can only be completely disheartening for Rick Steves, Liberal Holland launches the immigrant quiz complete with pictures of two men kissing and a topless woman. At the same time, the Dutch jail 'terror group' Muslims and Dutch MPs to decide on burqa ban.
The BBC looks at Europe's angry young Muslims and on the 2 year anniversary, it appears the Madrid train bombings probe finds no al-Qaeda link. Finally, meet Wafa Sultan: Someone You Should Know.
According to the authors of this article, If you want democracy, don't push Putin. They are wrong.
It is tough being a domestic worker in Singapore. Singapore rejects maids' day off, so they can be forced to work 7 days a week.
And if there was any further evidence that Iran is dangerous and completely intent on building nukes, Iran refuses to move nuclear enrichment to Russia.
US News and Politics
The Washington Post is starting to question A Rising Tide?
Showing that everything that starts in America crosses to Britain, Creationism to be in GCSE papers. GCSE is a test for all 14 year olds. Creationism is being added to the science curriculum to encourage discussion of controversy inside that field.
Back in the US, Faith-based programs flourishing, Bush says, but that doesn't help him as Bush's Approval Rating Falls to New Low.
In something that has flown below the radar for too long, Polls: Public Worried About Gov't Secrecy. So am I.
The DLC asks an important question, Immigration Reform: Will Washington Step Up?
Finally, Outrage After Teen Gets 10 Years for Oral Sex With Girl. And I thought oral sex was safe...
Being a baseball fan, I can't say I'm surprised. Yet, the latest revelations seal the deal for Bonds' legacy.
George Will is my favorite baseball writer, but he is wrong to insist that Bond's Muscling into baseball's record book should go without an asterisk.
Jollyblogger has this to offer: C. S. Lewis and Free Agency in Professional Sports.
For March Madness, we have Bracketmania: Pesca's Tips. My favorite college basketball team of all time, Duke is a number one seed, in the South. Also of note: Gonzaga is a 3 seed out West and the University of Washington gets a dangerous number 5 seed in the East.
NASN to show live baseball in Europe. Now to get my TV provider to add NASN (North American Sports Network) to its available packages. Or I could just move home...(anyone wanna give me a job?)
In your face Windows! A Hack-My-Mac Challenge Leaves System Shipshape. Want security and ease of use? Buy a Mac.
Let's go look at 10 Things you didn't know and learn that "Pooh Bear illustrator EH Shepard hated Pooh bear" and "Chimpanzees ruin their fingers by walking on their knuckles."
The Sunday Article Round up takes a lot time and energy. Do you appreciate it? If so, please comment. I'm considering dropping this weekly post. If I should keep it, please say so in the comments.
Technorati Tags: News, Politics, Current Events