The Silver Lining (or electirc blue, anyway...)

I am a worship pastor by calling and vocation. Last week, there was a string of church break-ins in our area, in which only guitars were stolen. Mine was one of the unfortunate victims, a 2003 Ovation Celebrity Deluxe Collector's Edition. A Great Guitar that served me well. Alas, no insurance coverage, because it was personal property at a business location - a strange limbo-ish gray area in insurance terms.
In the midst of this sad time, however (Any guitarist will tell you that losing a guitar is like losing an arm or a child), I finally found my new guitar. It is the "rum raisin" of guitars (movie quote there - bonus points if you know what movie). The Taylor T5 Acoustic/Electric. There is no greater guitar known to mankind. And I got it on Ebay for about $1000 less than list price. Of course it is still expensive, and I must figure out how to pay for it. But, this is the silver lining on the other end of a tragic loss.
Yes, this is a total vanity post. Envy me, guitarists! I'm so excited, I may wet myself.