Poll Results, New Question and updated links
Maybe you were like Mrs. Expat Teacher and didn't like last week's question of who should be voted off the island and didn't partake. That's ok. Here are the results anyway. In a tie, with 3 votes each, gurufrisbee and MoLak-Jedi were the "winners". I suspect some ballot stuffing on MoLak's part (it was his question after all) and gurufrisbee asked for votes, so since there was a tie, neither shall leave the island.The Old Man and I (Expat Teacher) got two votes each and Hefe got 1. I don't know if he is the most liked or just doesn't post enough to prove the old adage "It is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool then to open your mouth and confirm it."
For this week's poll, we need your baseball knowledge. Who will win the World Baseball Classic?
Thanks to Wise Woman for representing the ladies of Page 132 on our Flickr map. You know what I'm going to say, so just do it.
Also, I've added two new links to the recommended list. Internet Monk and the Relationships Foundation. Give 'em a try.