A new look for Page 132 - Redux
Taking into account some of the comments I got about the facelift, I've added the bloggers name to the end of each entry along with the permalink. I messed that up when I redid Page 132.Two new features are the guestbook and the weekly poll. Please take time to place your pin on the world map and leave a message. Scroll down to do that and to take our weekly poll. This request came from MoLak-Jedi during the Christmas break. He is now officially in charge of it.

Also, I've demoted the emphasis on me and made sure the team gets the full exposure, so the arrangement of the sidebar has been changed. I got rid of "latest posts" because you can just scroll down to see them. I move the archives to the bottom. If you want something use the Blogger and/or Technorati search engines for the blog.
Take a look around and let me know if anything doesn't render correctly, if we are missing anything or if you have any problems. Comments and compliments always welcome.
Now I'm about to start writing my report cards. What a way to spend a Sunday evening after such a nice weekend, but c'est la vie.