Church Budget
This upcoming Sunday our church will be having their annual meeting (during the AFC championship - grrrr) where one of the main things we have to do is to approve the proposed budget for the year. I have a curse (being way too interested in such things to not let them go without nit picking at them) and a blessing (having my best friend be this year's elder in charge of finances) and was able to ask lots of questions and get lots of answers about the proposed budget already. But I have some I'd like to throw out at the Page 132 community and see what they think, too:1) If your church has failed to meet the income side of the budget for the last couple years, should it concern you that each budget for the next year is still decently being increased?
2) The missions committee has picked the magical number of "25" as the percent of the church's budget that they feel every year should be designated to missionaries. In light of the fact that the church continually fails to meet it's budget, should this magic number be reduced?
3) Within that sizable missions budget we support dozens of missionaries from the international to the local. We even use money from that to support our own church's Alpha course.
But we do not support the annual mission trip

our high school group does when every summer we head to Central Washington and put on Vacation Bible School for a small community in their town park (that's us from this past summer - I'm the one in the grey t-shirt). Why shouldn't we qualify as a mission?
4) Within the last two years there have been several big ticket purchases made by the session of the church (projector system, color copier, paper folder, laptop for the pastor, etc.). With my wife and I, we have a system where if there is something that costs more than X dollars then we have to talk about it before we buy it. Should a church have the same thing with the congregation?
Let's hear what you have to say!