Friday, December 30, 2005

He likes us, he really likes us

Earlier this week, I noted that gurufrisbee was honored as the number 7 guest at Dignan's place. Well, today he named yours truly as the number 2 visitor of 2005. It is an honor. I enjoy the combatative and cooperative relationship that his blog has brought to my life. Dignan had this to say, "The best visitor and commenter I have had this year to display intelligent and charitable conversation from a differing perspective is Expat Teacher," so I guess we both feel the same way. Also, if you want to see what I look like, there is a pic taken with Apple's Photo Booth software while I was at the Apple store with MoLak-Jedi.

Might I also recommend Dignan's post from a few days ago, "Best Reason Why the Christian Coalition is Irrelevant". Unfortunately, the world isn't hearing what Dignan is preaching.

UPDATED: A photo of the illustrious Dignan can be found at Jollybogger.
