Friday, August 26, 2005

Friday Prayer Blogging - Back-to-School edition

To finish off my week it is probably only appropriate to do some praying about the upcoming school year. I'm mad at God right now and like an immature kid I'm not doing a lot of serious praying, so would you pray for me this week?

My prayer requests are
  • a safe year with no one hurt or killed. This might be a little OTT, but with the London bombings and with freshly installed shatterproof windows, personal security is a top concern.
  • that I could love every student and have fresh eyes to look at the ones that have bothered me in the past.
  • that students would be infected with a desire to learn.
  • that I would foster that desire.
  • Peace to reign over our workplace. We work incredibly well as a team and I don't want that poisoned.
  • that I could be salt and light to my workplace and share the Gospel in both words and deeds.

Like always prayers for me, Mrs. Expat Teacher and London are always appreciated.

God bless you.

Like always, please add prayer or praise requests in the comments
