Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Lots of work...I'm a dull boy

Today is a very busy day at work. We are finishing up our reports of the students and I'm setting up some stuff for the next half-term. Therefore, I'm a dull boy. Let me recommend some links for you to view.

The first deals with yesterday's post. If you feel like I do, then go to Passion of the Present because as they say on their website, "Darfur, Sudan, Africa - continues to be a bleeding ground of genocide. While the world watches, the United Nations and international leaders fail to effectively intercede and stop the systematic murder, rape, and mass starvation inflicted by the government of Sudan on it own people. Passion of the Present is a worldwide all-volunteer web initiative to stop the genocide. Together we can be the most aggressive advocates imaginable for the people of Darfur and Sudan." and remind us of the late Dr. Martin Luther King who said, "Man's inhumanity to man is not only perpetrated by the vitriolic actions of those who are bad. It is also perpetrated by the vitiating inaction of those who are good."

Maybe a little heavy? Try this on for size. Amy Sullivan of The Washington Monthly and practicing Christian who regulary takes both the Left and the Right out behind the toolshed for their over-generalizations of faith in America. She has some stuff to say on Sudan as well. As you can tell I'm not going to let this go because as "gurufrisbee" said no one is looking at Sudan because their are no economic interests. There are plenty of Biblical reasons for intervention. All people of faith should be united and pushing for an end to wholesale destruction of innocents

Or you could read Keith Olbermann's thoughts on SpongeBob Squarepants "homosexuality" and the delusions of grandeur at "Focus on the Family". He makes the fine point that culturally-conservative Christians don't speak for everyone who darkens a church door on Sunday.
