Friday, June 15, 2007

Friday Prayer Blogging - School's out for summer. School's out forever?

School finished today. We sent the kids home at noon yesterday and then had the final staff meeting this morning, with a BBQ to finish it all off in the afternoon.

I'm plenty relieved that the school year is finished. I am truly burnt out. I really didn't want to see the kids anymore. I didn't want to grade any more tests. I didn't really even want to see any more of my colleagues.

And to make life more interesting, I got a phone call at 2 p.m. today from the National Grassroots Director for the Bill Richardson For President campaign. He said that Governor Richardson would be in DC this Tuesday and I needed to get 50 or more people to the event at 9:00 a.m.

I guess my internship starts today and not on Monday. But I'll tell you, my adrenaline was pumping and I immediately jumped into action mode. I called some phone folks I am working with to round up supporters. I put together a mass e-mail to DC-area Richardson supporters. And I began the coordination with the campaign for materials and other cool swag.

I know where my heart lies.

Can I ask for prayer on my professional life? I'd like this summer to be about me trusting God to put me exactly where I need to be to in August.

Will you pray for me?
