Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Day 1 at my internship

I'm pretty sure that Day 1 will be the highlight of my internship. It started off rather blah, with me surfing the web until 11:00 when I was asked to make some calls off a call sheet for a fundraiser in Tennessee next week. As any telemarketer will tell you, the job stinks. No one wanted to hear from me and no one was excited to get a call asking for money (indirectly). I called 1 page worth of people and went home for lunch.

At about 2, I got a call from the National Grassroots Organizer who told me that no one was doing advance work for the Governor's speech on Tuesday. He was traveling light with only 1 security and 1 staffer. So I had lots of questions that no one knew the answer for, so I did went to the hotel and did the advance work myself.

When I arrived, I had a pad of paper, a clipboard and some stickers. I was given the royal treatment and shown all over the place. I even got to go on the "Presidential Walk" which is where the President goes when he delivers speeches at the hotel. Pretty cool stuff. I even made an executive decision to move the post-speech press conference from the side of the stage (a poorly lit area that looked like a closet) to the media room where things were lit and the media was already well situated. I wasn't empowered to do that, but in the end it worked out very well.

I got back to the campaign HQ and filled everyone in on what I saw. I then settled down to reply to about 10 e-mails of folks who were planning on coming. We had 48 RSVP for the event and I think I talked to each person.

I had an important role to play. Very exciting stuff.
