Sunday, February 04, 2007

Sunday Article Round-Up on hiatus

I know that many folks tune into Page 132 on Monday morning when they should be working for the Sunday Article Round-Up. However, lately two things have been conspiring against me doing them. Although no one e-mailed to complain, I missed last week and will do so again today.

The first is that my life is busier and busier. Mrs. Expat Teacher has done a wonderful job of making sure we have wide and varied social circle. That means we are busy most weekends. My basketball coaching (2-5) eats up the evenings. However, I've had busy times in my life before and been able to do the Sunday Article Round-Up.

The second, and most important reason, is that Blogger has "upgraded" and it has totally messed with my offline blogging software, ecto. The Sunday Article Round-Up is so full of links and formatting issues, that it can't realistically be done within the browser interface that Blogger offers.

I'm tracking down the problem (my end? Blogger's fault? or ecto's problem?) and as soon as I get it figured out, I'll be back up with the Sunday Article Round-Up.

If you are one of the folks that checks in on Monday, but doesn't visit routinely and would like an e-mail when the Sunday Article Round-Up returns, drop me a line.
