Friday, October 06, 2006

Friday Prayer Blogging - Love edition

Today's Friday Prayer Blogging should focus on love. An oftern used, poorly understand word in the English language. Yet, possibly the most powerful concept we can deploy to change ourselves and the world.

This week, I've been reflecting on it a lot. Mrs. Expat Teacher and I will celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary on Monday. She means the world to me and I couldn't live without her. My father was playing the bachelor this week and when I talked to him on Wednesday, it was very obvious he was missing my mother. Gurufrisbee is full of nothing but love for his wife and new baby. The Old Man's e-mails and posts about his wife are clear examples of love for The Mrs. Old Man. And I know that the strong, but silent MoLak-Jedi loves his wife and his daughter more each day.

However, love is not always so easy. I lack a love of my fellow humans. Nations find it easier to hate one another than love each other.

Yet, imagine if the Love that hung on a cross for each of us, was able to impact our daily actions. Would any aspect of our lives be the same? Would our relationships be the same? Would the world be the same?

Would you join me in praying for an increase in love in our world?

Let us pray
