I sure hope Jon Bon Jovi is right
Jon Bon Jovi wants to know "Who Says You Can't Go Home?" and I sure hope he is right, because I've accepted a new job at an international school in Washington, D.C.I had a very positive interview on Saturday and was offered the job (thanks for the prayers). Mrs. Expat Teacher and I took about 24 hours to contemplate our future in London versus back in the US. We choose home. Our families and friends seem overwhelmingly excited to have us back on home soil, even if we are on the opposite side of the country. Better than the opposite side of the world, I suppose.

I'll be finishing the school year here and then we'll be moving over to DC sometime in August. The details are still to be worked out. I'm very excited about the new job and DC. I'll miss London, but God really opened doors that even a blind man couldn't miss.
London has been fabulous and my experiences have been truly life shaping, but it is time to move on. I think everyone should spend extended periods of time overseas. Mine has been incredible. I only have one regret and that is that I might have to lose the "Expat" moniker.
More details as they emerge. However, anyone with intimate knowledge of DC living, would you please contact me via e-mail or in the comments? I have a few questions.
Technorati Tags: London, Washington DC