Wednesday, March 09, 2005

How much is separate enough?

Here in America, I am a middle school math teacher. I know, most of you have now dismissed everything you've ever read that I wrote as obviously the mindless ramblings of an insane person. Truth is, Expat and I met both teaching at this urban school.

A couple years ago I applied for a job at a private, Christian school. I was offered it, but had to decline because between my wife and I, that salary wouldn't have even paid our college loans each month. But ever since I've wondered and prayed - is the place for me in a public school or in a Christian one?

In a public school, I've been able to evangelize directly to some of my non-Christian co-workers and the Lord has used me to even help a couple of them come to give their lives to the Lord. And I've tried to show the Love of God to my students, even if I have not been able to say so in those exact words.

But in a Christian school, I could say those words. I could show my whole self to my students and teach them about more than just fractions and percents. And the relationships that could be built could be life changing in the best possible way.

As a Christian, do we have an obligation to work in a comparable Christian organization? By extension, do we have an obligation to support Christian businesses instead of secular ones?

Or is our obligation to infiltrate the secular world and influence it for the good? Be in the world (but not OF it).

And if you are a Christian in a secular business - what is the best way to influence your co-workers, employees, customers, associates, etc.?

Thanks again to all of you for your consideration of these questions.
